Eco Tourism in Tuakau looks like ‘Compost Tourism’


Want to learn how to make top quality compost?

Come and learn in a range of venues in and around Tuakau, with Katrina from Blue Borage, biodynamic compost consultant and Whangarata resident.

Katrina Wolff, Compost Consultant at Blue Borage

Edible Gardening at the Whangarata Community Hall

Each Wednesday there’s a new topic in my new series of edible gardening ‘building blocks’

Week 1 — Seeds
Week 2 — Soil
Week 3 — Plants
Week 4 — Pests

We rotate around these four topics each month, and you can join in for one session or sign up for the full cycle. All my workshops and online events are listed on Humanitix here.

Once the Whangarata School, this building is now the perfect space to learn edible gardening indoors through the winter months

The classes are indoors, which makes it perfect for wintery wet Wednesdays — settle in and get your hands in the soil without having to put your gumboots on.

The pay-to-attend workshop ends at midday, at which point I pack things away into the car and start making yummy treats for a shared lunch, and to take a few pre-cooked meals home.

Starting in June, we’ll be using the afternoon to help the Waikato District Council stay on top of the invasive weed species, using biodynamic methods to turn everything to soil, right here on the premises, and eliminate the need for any toxic weedkillers.

Top of the list is the Madeira Vine, followed by a small clump of Jasmine, and then a wee patch of Tradescantia. All help welcome, and participants will receive a discount voucher for the Blue Borage online courses on holistic green waste management, hot compost, basic biodynamics, and intuitive gardening with children.

Whangarata Community Centre at 6 Ewing Road, Whangarata, halfway between Pōkeno and Tuakau

Where is Whangarata?

Exactly halfway between Pōkeno and Tuakau, and pretty much halfway between Auckland and Hamilton.

Thursdays at the Tuakau and District Museum

Right in the heart of Tuakau is our beloved museum, home to the town’s historical records, and a working letterpress print shop.

If you wander round behind the buildings, you’ll find a strip of land along the railway line that is slowly getting transformed into a beautiful pollinator sanctuary. This project began back in August 2022 with a box of Dahlia bulbs donated by Kristy Kirkpatrick of Sinclair Dahlias, and produced SO many flowers that we ended up printing gift cards to give with each bunch of flowers we picked through the summer.

Dahlias bringing community together at the Tuakau Museum on Thursday mornings

The Dahlias have died back for the winter, and it’s now time to focus on making soil again, while carving out some pretty pathways and planning spring flowers.

You’ll find me here most weeks from about 10:30–11:30 — join the volunteers for a cup of tea and a biscuit, wander around the museum and chat with the people working on a wide range of exhibits, and come lend a hand to make the pollinator garden that little bit more beautiful.

Many hands make light work, and all helpers will get a discount voucher for Blue Borage online courses on composting, invasive weed management and basic biodynamics.

The Sharda Centre, Tuakau

Friday is the day for Blue Borage to engage with the food forest at the Sharda Centre, up at 15 Percy Graham Drive.

Each week has a slightly different theme, so check the Humanitix profile here to see what I’m up to.

The Sharda Food Forest — thanks to Harrisville School for the donation of plants and muscle in November 2022.

This is an ideal venue for a group booking to bring your workmates out for a day to learn biodynamic composting and the holistic management of invasive weeds.

We really don’t need the toxic weedkillers. Come and learn a better way to tend the land.

Arrange a visit by email at or book a 15 minute free Zoom call to discuss your needs:

Accommodation in Tuakau

So you want to come and visit Tuakau and take part in these events? Where should you stay?

I recommend the Tuakau Hotel.

Alternatively, you may be able to book a room at The Sharda Centre, and they also occasionally take in Woofers to help on the land.

Do locals have other recommendations? Please send me an email to and I’ll add them into this list.

Welcome to Tuakau, the town that composts all it possibly can.

A typical weekly schedule

For more information, please contact me by email at

And finally — welcome to Tuakau.



Katrina Wolff, Soil Whisperer at Blue Borage
Katrina Wolff, Soil Whisperer at Blue Borage

Written by Katrina Wolff, Soil Whisperer at Blue Borage

Compost Consultant based in Tuakau, New Zealand. Using biodynamics to help people make exquisite soil, at work or at home.

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