Biodynamic Composting in a kindergarten setting
Welcome to Michael Park Kindergarten, in Ellerslie, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
My contact at the school: Stacey McManus
Stacey’s request: to offer a hot compost workshop to a group of kindergarten parents one weekend, and make soil for the kindergarten garden. Soil to feed the garden, but also soil to feed the community and bring families together.
We held the workshop on September 9th.
Six parents + five children, it took us a couple of hours.
Stacey measured the temperature of the compost each day with the children until it was time to open the compost up for an end of year compost opening party.
World Soil Day — let’s see how the soil looks.
We were thrilled with how it turned out. So, so very soft.
This is an example of how school composting doesn’t have to be squeezed into an overflowing curriculum, and how there are families willing to come along to school on a weekend to learn something they can then put into practice at home.
If you’d like to discuss how Blue Borage can help your school create a package like this, please contact Katrina by email at